Errata and updates in J. K. Lasser’s Your Winning Retirement Plan:


P. 6, paragraph beginning In fact, there is substantial, change either 1950 or 1960 to either1960 or 1950.  (The reason is the references to latter and former in the sentences that follow.)


P. 130, first paragraph, 2nd line: 1953 should be 1963.


P. 130, first paragraph, 4th line: 1953 should be 1963.


P. 137, last paragraph, 3rd line: 103.1% / 3.1% should be 103.1% = 3.1%.


P. 153, Aggressive case at top of Fig. 5.9 has numerous numerical errors.  Use Moderate case below it.


P. 238, paragraph beginning The purpose of this book, next to last sentence:  Change $10,000 to $12,000 and $20,000 to $24,000.


P. 238, paragraph beginning But you aren’t limited, change $10,000 to $12,000 (in three places in that paragraph).


P. 240, first line:  The 529 plans defer… should be The 529 plans exempt


P. 240, first paragraph, 2nd line:  Change $10,000 to $12,000.

